How can I search for words and phrases in the Hebrew Bible, Talmud, Tosefta, Mishneh Torah?


If you are looking for words or phrases in any of these works, go to and enter the search terms. The page is equipped with a virtual Hebrew keyboard (requires Unicode compliant operating system). Alternately, you can search the Mechon Mamre site using Google Advanced Search ( In the box labeled "Domain" enter the URL and enter the words or phrases in the boxes at the top of the page. To search a single word or various words, enter the terms in the box labled "with all of the words" or the box "with at least one of the words"; to search a phrase, enter it in the box "with the exact phrase" (tip: in Google, an exact phrase can be searched by placing it within quotes " "). If you wish to exclude a specific word or words from the search, place these terms in the box labeled "without the words" or place a minus sign - before it.


  • Last Updated Jun 23, 2020
  • Views 7821
  • Answered By Bruce Nielsen

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