What are the rules and policies of the Fisher Fine Arts Library?


Food and Drink, Security, and Other Library Rules

While covered beverages are allowed, the Fisher Fine Arts Library is a no-food zone. Security checks bags upon entry to ensure food is not brought into the library. Patrons with food may store their meals in a designated cabinet outside of the library. If patrons are found with food in the library, they will be asked to take it outside of the library. Security will be called upon to assist if a patron fails to comply.

The Fisher Fine Arts Library is a quiet space. We ask patrons not to talk on their cell phones. Anyone talking on their cell phones in the reading room areas, carrels, stairwells, or stacks will be asked to leave the library to complete the call.

Read our full access and visitor information page for our visitor policy, photography/videography guidelines, how to schedule a group visit, and more.

Check out the Libraries spaces to explore places to study and learn more about Penn Libraries' policies and guidelines for users.

  • Last Updated Nov 29, 2023
  • Views 633
  • Answered By Fisher Fine Arts Library

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