There are no renewal limits for current Penn students, faculty, and staff. However:
- Books that are long overdue (28 days or more) are considered lost and may not be renewed.
- Books that have been recalled for another user may not be renewed.
- Reserve materials may not be renewed online.
- Bestsellers (Van Pelt Library) may not be renewed.
- Videos may be renewed once, for an additional six weeks (42 days).
- Resource Sharing items such as BorrowDirect, E-ZBorrow, or InterLibrary Loan items cannot be renewed.
Items borrowed through any of these services, as well as the Penn Libraries' own materials, may be subject to recall for course reserves at any time.
Courtesy borrowers may renew books online for up to one year (12 renewals), or until they are recalled. See our Courtesy Borrowing guide for more information.