EndNote can attempt to find PDF's that match the records in your EndNote library. You will need to update preference settings.
Access the Preference area in your copy of EndNote and add the urls listed below:
- Windows users can find the preference setting under: Edit -> Preferences -> Find Full Text
- Open URL Path: https://upenn.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/uresolver/01UPENN_INST/openurl?
- Authenticate with URL: https://proxy.library.upenn.edu/login
After updating your preferences, you can highlight records in EndNote, left-click, and select "Find Full-text".
The above settings will not pull ALL potential PDF's while off-campus. Consider installing the University Client VPN on your home computer. The program allows you to have the same network experience from a remote location as you would connected to AirPennNet or by plugging into a physical port on campus. The University Client VPN uses Palo Alto's GlobalProtect software. More information about the University Client VPN.
If EndNote can't find the PDF using the Find Full Text command, highlight a citation and then right-click. Select URL -> Open URL link. This should open your browser and link to the Library's PennText service. Here you should find a link to the article PDF if Penn Library subscribes to the journal. Download the PDF. Once downloaded click the PDF file and drag it over the corresponding EndNote record. This should connect the two together.