Answered By: Resource Sharing Interlibrary Loan
Last Updated: Sep 17, 2020     Views: 618

You can always check the status of your ILL requests via the View Current Requests link on the Resource Sharing homepage. An explanation of the various statuses is below:

Awaiting Request Processing (or Consulting, or Special Handling) = we’re working on it!
[ILL staff searching for libraries which hold the requested item]

Duplicate Review = we’re double checking!
[Checking if request was placed more than once by mistake]

Request Sent = request sent to a series of potential lenders!

Delivered to Web = your scan is ready (for 21 days only – best to Save it)!

Awaiting Borrowing Scanning = your scan is almost ready!
[Received as a paper copy – ILL staff will scan and deliver to web for you]

Awaiting Conditional Processing = supplying library has a question!

Awaiting Unfilled Processing = looking for more libraries!
[ILL staff checking for additional libraries which own the requested item]

Checked Out to Customer = check your main Penn Library Account for current information and due date!

Have more questions?  See our LibGuide!

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