What is a pop-up event?


Once a month, staff members and their students may share timely, topical, fun, or quirky material with students, colleagues, faculty, and the public. These events must be staffed by a minimum of two people, be limited to no more than five (5) collection items, and selected with consideration toward visually interesting material suitable for a "show and tell" type event. Individuals coordinating a pop-up event must balance the risks and resources. These events utilize tables for display rather than display cases, and any item on display must be reviewed by conservation prior to the event. Pop-up events typically last for two hours.

If you are unsure whether your project is an exhibition, loan, or pop-up event, consult this chart.

  • Last Updated Oct 18, 2021
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Brittany Merriam

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