What are Penn’s policies on student use of copyrighted materials?


As a student, you are responsible for making sure that your use of copyrighted materials does not violate the rights of others.  You should read and make yourself familiar with the relevant University guidelines and policies, and ask questions if you are confused or need guidance. The University does not condone or tolerate the unauthorized copying of copyrighted media by staff, faculty or students.  It is the expectation that all members of the University community comply with copyright laws and policies. 

When you are using works under fair use, remember that fair use supports reasonable, limited, scholarly uses of material in amounts that are appropriate and limited to the purpose of your use, and tied to the critical analysis of the source work.  If you are in doubt about using third-party in-copyright resources, consider further limiting the amount that you are using, or seeking permission from the rights-holder. 

Often, students are provided with instructor created materials or other course related materials through a course management site such as Canvas.  These materials are intended for a student's personal use and academic scholarship purposes only.  Students should not further reproduce or distribute course materials outside of the course without the permission of the instructor, or the copyright-holder of the material. 

The Library licenses a number of electronic resources in support of the teaching and research mission of the University.  Most licensed resources are restricted to current students, faculty and staff.  Students should not share their personal access credentials to these licensed materials.  For more information on the appropriate use of University licensed resources, please see the LibGuide, Using Electronic Resources - https://guides.library.upenn.edu/usingeresources/restrictions


  • Last Updated May 27, 2024
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Stephen Wolfson

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