Will you teach me how to use (insert name of software: Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)


The lab is aimed at helping people accomplish specific tasks. To this end, we can help you learn how to use specific pieces of software to accomplish those tasks. Some pieces of software (Photoshop and Final Cut Pro are good examples) are enormously complicated and we simply don't have the resources to teach you to use them in an in-depth way.

We do offer introductory workshops for some pieces of software (Photoshop, iMovie, etc.) that are aimed at giving you a solid jumping off point so that you can start using the software on your own. We are also available to answer any of your specific questions about how to use any of the software in the lab; just stop by and ask us. We also maintain a small library of books you can use while you're in the lab.


  • Last Updated Nov 26, 2019
  • Views 84
  • Answered By Baowei Wei

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