Answered By: Lippincott Library
Last Updated: Aug 24, 2023     Views: 123

See the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Go to Sage Data and navigate to Browse by Subject > Prices, Consumption and Cost of Living to find and combine data series on inflation, CPI, PPI, and more.

Go to Mercer's Cost of Living Ranking.

To calculate the worth of the US dollar from 1913 to the present, go to Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis - What is a Dollar Worth?

Go to ProQuest's Statistical Abstracts of the U.S. (Online).

  • Click on Prices in the left-hand menu.

In Lippincott Library, consult the ACCRA Cost of Living Index, available in print from 1992-2010.

For international consumer price indices, use World Development Indicators from The World Bank.