Current and recent information:
- VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah) collects relevant documents: Select Securities - All.
- S&P Capital IQ (see access details) supports screening by exchange:
- Select Screening > Companies.
- Select Equity Details > Exchanges or Exchange Country/Region.
- Bloomberg (see access details) has information on stock markets worldwide: Type EPRX and hit the green <GO> key for a list of exchanges by country or region.
- The IMF's Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER) includes foreign exchange arrangements, exchange and trade systems and capital controls of all IMF member countries.
- The World Federation of Exchanges' (WFE) Statistics Portal reports market capitalization, number of listed companies, trading volume, and other statistics for WFE members and non-members. (Access to the Statistics Portal requires free registration.)
Historical information (print manuals):
- Handbook of World Stock, Derivative, & Commodity Exchanges (call number HG4551 .H32).
- Standard & Poor's Global Stock Markets Factbook (call number HG5993 .E447).
- World Stock Exchange Fact Book (call number HG4551 .W655).