Search D&B Hoovers
- Using the Build A List function, expand the Keywords criteria box and use the drop-down menu to search for Person.
- Search for wharton and select the option for Search Bio Only.
Go to Corporate Affiliations
- Scroll over the Subscriber Tools menu and choose Bio Quick Search.
- In the Education Section of the form, click on the Select from List link next to College Or University, then choose University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Finance & Commerce.
- Enter any other criteria of your choosing, and click Search.
- A more narrow search can be performed using the Advanced Bio Search function.
Use Bloomberg (see access details)
- Type PEOP and hit the green <GO> key to perform an advanced People search.
- In the Education box type wharton, then choose one of the variations off of the Wharton School name.
S&P Capital IQ, available in the Yablon Financial Resources Lab (room 244) or for full-time Wharton MBAs via MBA Career Management allows you to track potential relationships across companies.
- Scroll over the Coverage tab and choose Relationship Paths to find paths between the Wharton School and a company, or the Wharton School to a person.
- Select Screening, then Companies. In the View Criteria tab, navigate to Education, then choose Colleges/Universities. Search for Wharton - select University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School from the results list, then click Add Criteria. Add other criteria as desired, then click View Results.