If you are receiving an error message like, "Unauthorized Access: the authentication request was rejected/cancelled, or the authentication provider denied access due to permissions, wrong email address, etc.," you will need to follow the steps below to make your Penn email address publicly viewable in the Penn Directory.
- From the Penn Directory main page, click 'Update Directory listings'
- Then, click on the tab to 'Manage Public Profile'
- Click on Select next to your email address and put a checkmark in the box under 'Display to the Public?'
- You will then see your full email address in the Contact column in the box that shows your public search result
- It may take up to 24 hours for IDC to recognize the updated listing
Note: IDC does not make all of its reports available to the academic market. To limit to available reports after running a search, click My Subscription in the left-hand Filters menu.