Answered By: Lippincott Library
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2019     Views: 168

REIS is available for use in Lippincott Library. Ask to be logged on at the Information Desk. If reports are being sent to you by a librarian, please review REIS's Terms and Conditions regarding the use of their data:

"Your use of the Reis service automatically (without any further actions required by you or us) constitutes your agreement that your access is restricted to fulfilling the requirements (e.g., a research project or other assignment) of a class in which you are currently enrolled or participating, and in no event for the benefit of any business (such as a bank or investment firm with which you have an internship or employment relationship) or other third party. If requested by Reis, you agree to confirm in writing that you have not used the Reis information in violation of the foregoing restriction. If your user ID shows inappropriate usage of the Reis information (e.g., utilizing Reis information for the benefit of any business or third party) Reis has the right to immediately terminate your Reis license and pursue further legal action."